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Regular price HK$1,680.00
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拉利瑪 海纹石 x 天河石 x 青金石 x 托帕石 x 海藍寶 配14K金飾 ——————————————————
拉利瑪海紋石 溫柔 快速 暢通心臟、氣管喉嚨的氣脈,放鬆沉重的肩膀
海藍寶 將這些穩定、舒暢的力量加強,擴展、活現開朗、自信的魅力
青金石 將這些力量內化,成為動力,實踐在生活中

托帕石 讓我們乘着風、順着勢,借力前進,驅走負面的影響。將那些經歷 轉化成 鞏固的力量,提升策劃、洞悉力。

圓珠尺寸Bead Size: 11-14mm✨


Grandma’s precious crystals and gemstones are 100% natural from nature, harmonise with 925 Sterling Silver, 14/18K Gold plate, or Pure Copper with Anitique finish.

Beads size:Pls refer Description 

Measurement Guide

請按建議👉🏻 方法 量度手圍尺寸「cm」並在付款時的 空白欄 寫上😉方便度身訂做。

Please measure wrist size in “cm” as 👉🏻 Measurement Guide & mark the size in blank box when check-out. Thank You.

Care Instructions

- 避免首飾接觸到清潔用品,美容產品或鹽水,化學物品

- 做出汗的運動及游泳之前,請先除下首飾

- 平常洗手可以穿帶,只需要避免接觸到清潔/化學劑,及沾水後立刻抹乾,防止氧化。

- 如不小心沾上清潔/化學劑,可用過濾水清洗,並立刻抹乾,減低影響。

- 將不常帶的首飾放進購買時贈送的絨袋,放在乾爽的地方,可以保養首飾,定期使用天然的精油按摩晶石,有助首飾保持潤澤光彩

- 淨化方法

- Avoiding contact with cleaning agents, beauty products, salty water and chemicals.

- Take off the jewellery prior to swearing exercise or swimming.

- When washing your hands, try not to contaminate the jewellery with the cleaning agents, mild soap is more appropriate. Pls rinse well and wipe Dry to avoid oxidation.

- In case the jewellery contaminated with the cleaning agents, pls use distilled water to wash away the chemicals, Rinse well and wipe Dry to reduce the erosion.

- Protect your jewellery by storing your items in a dry area in the Grandma‘a velvet bag provided in your purchase.

- Nourish the gemstones with some natural essential oil regularly can keep the crystal shine and vigorous.

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