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#黑銀鈦 x #黑髮晶x #黑隕石(烈火石)x #瑪瑙 x #白水晶原石 x 925 Sterling Silver

Brookite n Rutile in Quartz x Black Rutilated Quartz x Agni Manitite x Black weathered agate lava x Rock Crystal







這是一條擁有 強大力量 的手鏈,高頻的震動,力量從脊髓湧上頭腦,一下子四方八面地 送走惆悵、困擾、鬆解崩緊的身驅🪽

很有趣的Silver Hawk... 這是令不同面向的客人有很不一樣的反應:

有勤力、勞累的客人,他們未必應同自己勤力,卻是出奇的有責任感、承擔起一些工作,卻停不到下來好好休息:帶上Silver Hawk一下子可以更放鬆,很多時告訴可可婆婆 他們可以睡得更有質素,睡得更深沉。



現場多見到的客人 身上的寒氣 很自然迅速地 四方八面排走,應該是各方面的運氣提升了,有的事情順暢了,有的看得更通透、清晰了,運氣好了,健康更是無價寳。

黑銀鈦、黑隕石 一直以來也用作 護身符,免受負能量入侵,通達宇宙的智慧、集體潛意識、察覺到生活中的提示,帶來運氣、豐富的財富、決斷力。

今批的黑銀鈦力量去得很高很遠,所以加多了瑪瑙 連结大地的力量,更加平衡、踏實在土地上。

來自印尼的黑隕石,當地人稱之為烈火石Agni Mani, 意思是在神聖之火 的珍珠,是火山玻璃的一種,屬於錳鐵礦。當她配上黑銀鈦,她們有着不平凡的作用,很多時能量是從腦袋,伸展至整條尾龍骨,來回遊走。雖然是跟黑曜石同一家族,但可以說是完全不同的能量,他連结更加深,好像連结到地心那樣遠。


This is a very powerful bracelet lifts the whole body up, awakes all the senses, spinning around the spine and the head, whisks away the negativity, dissolves the melancholy energy, drives us to access collective unconscious, allows us to interpret the signs & commonalities into the relationship, monetary power, inspiration, wisdom.


Beads/ 圓珠尺寸:approx.11-14mm



Grandma’s precious crystals and gemstones are 100% natural from nature, harmonise with 925 Sterling Silver, 14/18K Gold plate, or Pure Copper with Anitique finish.

Beads size:Pls refer Description 

Measurement Guide

請按建議👉🏻 方法 量度手圍尺寸「cm」並在付款時的 空白欄 寫上😉方便度身訂做。

Please measure wrist size in “cm” as 👉🏻 Measurement Guide & mark the size in blank box when check-out. Thank You.

Care Instructions

- 避免首飾接觸到清潔用品,美容產品或鹽水,化學物品

- 做出汗的運動及游泳之前,請先除下首飾

- 平常洗手可以穿帶,只需要避免接觸到清潔/化學劑,及沾水後立刻抹乾,防止氧化。

- 如不小心沾上清潔/化學劑,可用過濾水清洗,並立刻抹乾,減低影響。

- 將不常帶的首飾放進購買時贈送的絨袋,放在乾爽的地方,可以保養首飾,定期使用天然的精油按摩晶石,有助首飾保持潤澤光彩

- 淨化方法

- Avoiding contact with cleaning agents, beauty products, salty water and chemicals.

- Take off the jewellery prior to swearing exercise or swimming.

- When washing your hands, try not to contaminate the jewellery with the cleaning agents, mild soap is more appropriate. Pls rinse well and wipe Dry to avoid oxidation.

- In case the jewellery contaminated with the cleaning agents, pls use distilled water to wash away the chemicals, Rinse well and wipe Dry to reduce the erosion.

- Protect your jewellery by storing your items in a dry area in the Grandma‘a velvet bag provided in your purchase.

- Nourish the gemstones with some natural essential oil regularly can keep the crystal shine and vigorous.

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